Monday 23 January 2012

Full House At Shore Road.

This next picture is the reason we all go fishing.

Local angler Paul Madgewick shown here decided to take a trip down to Shore Road, Hythe and try his luck in a short day time session.

Paul used Ragworm on a two hook rig and cast to around the 60 yard range as the tide was on it’s way out.

Shore Road is not known for large fish but it does have a great reputation for multi species captures.

Paul recognised the bite straight away and struck into it, he did not however expect to see a double hit!!

Two Flounder’s, one on each hook!

Two days later and Paul returned to the same spot to try his luck again.

This time Paul managed two small Bass followed by 2 more Flounders, the first at 1lb and the second 1lb 8ozs.

Next he landed this fantastic third Flounder of 2lb 2ozs.

Good work Paul!