Monday 8 November 2010

More Captures Aboard Geoff Semple’s Lazy Daze.

Today I had a visit from Geoff Semple. Geoff came to the shop armed with his camera loaded with pictures from his latest boat trip out.
We start off with local customer Chris Purdie who landed this pristine 12lb Cod, 2 miles off the back of the needles using a combination of Squid and Cuttlefish as bait.
As you can see that fish is in mint condition and looks great in this picture.

Next we have another local angler Matt Purdie, Matt is making a bit of a name for himself recently because of his captures. This first fish is a stunning 8lb Bass again caught from a mark 2 miles off the Needles. The Bass fell to a 7/0 hook baited with a whole Squid originally designed to catch a Cod but as you can imagine Matt was not complaining when this beauty came up!

 Finally we see Matt with his target species, a fantastic 14lb Cod. The fish fell to a Cuttlefish and Squid bait combo and after a short fight the fish was safe in the net. This fish was also caught on Geoff’s 2 mile mark.

Matt seems to be turning into a very successful angler and his skipper Geoff puts it down to his concentration levels while fishing. Matt also uses quite soft rods and this could be the answer when trying to catch fish that drop baits when they feel any tension.
Geoff is now booked for 8 days straight and is looking forward to some more good catches. I have asked him for the pictures of the fish so that I can put them straight on here for you.
I do like Geoff’s reports because the pictures are always a very good quality and look great on the site.

(P.S. You must remember that if you click on any of the pictures on our blog they will open up and you can view them full size)

Many Thanks.