Thursday 25 August 2011

New Ammo Baits - Bells Of Hythe.

Hi Folks

We have just received out first boxes of the new baits from Ammo.

First on our list is the new Dirty Squid. Also known as Unwashed Squid, this is net caught Squid that has not been treated for human consumption. Our normal squid undergoes a bleaching process that is designed to make the squid whiter than white and also removes and nasty bugs before they reach your plate. Unfortunately this process removes a lot of flavour that is naturally found in squid and makes them less attractive to fish.

This new Squid comes in a 1lb bag and you can see and smell the difference straight away and this huge difference in the bait is referred to as 'An Edge' and I think this bait will give you 'The Edge' over anybody else on the boat/beach. In short it really smells fishy and I for one cannot wait too try it for the Cod later this year.

Added Bonus!!! The plus side of this squid is that it does not cost a lot to process as it is natural so it hits our freezer with a great price of £2.50 per pound! Bargain!

Next on our list is the hugely anticipated Mini Mackerel.

This bait is simply going to be huge! Our first customer to take it said he can put it 20 yards further than a fillet due to its aerodynamic shape. He also showed me a picture of the 3lb Bass he caught on it. 

The Mini Mackerel are sold in packs of 5 and when you see them you can only start to imagine the things you can apply them to in your baiting arsenal! 

The Pike anglers are also in love with this product as they are very tough and can be used like a lure for up to 2 hours.
These baits come in at £2.45 (the same price as all our other Mackerel products)
