Thursday 15 September 2011

Macmillan Cancer Support Charity Fishing Match.

This is an email from Hannah Powel regarding a charity competition that we sponsored earlier in the year.

Earlier this year Hannah Powel approached the lymington sea fishing clubs committee for help with running an open fishing competition for charity, namely Macmillan Cancer Support , it was successfully agreed and after  a few meetings a format for the match was made and Hannah got to work approaching the local tackle shops for some prize donations of which all gave generously and thanks must go to Bells of Hythe, also thanks to all the people that helped out on the day of the match and the anglers turned out to support the event. Although the turnout was not as big as hoped Hannah made £285 pounds for her charity so THANKS again to you all.

The winner of the Event was MATT FINN in blue zone 15 fish all bass for a total score of 333cm  

Blue Zone winner MATT FINN     333cm
2nd Callum Graham   177cm

Red zone Winner   Chris Ellis   216cm
2nd Matt  Brook  111cm

Yellow Zone winner Darren James 210cm
2nd Steve Deathe 196 cm


The biggest fish in blue zone was golden grey mullet of 37 cm caught by Nick Hayter  ,Red zones biggest fish was a golden grey mullet also of 37 cm and Yellow zones biggest was also a golden grey mullet of 37 cm for Steve Deathe.

An unusually large number of Golden Grey Mullet were caught, 10 in total along with 3 Flounders, 4 Gilt Head Bream, 1 eel and 70 school Bass.