Friday 29 October 2010

Ron Thompson Beach Shelter.

Hi There

It’s that time of year again when the weather starts to affect your fishing.
To be honest we have all underestimated the changes in temperature that can occur while out on a session. Nowhere is more effected by the elements than on the beach, the beach of course is the first line of defence and if you are not well protected it can lead to a miserable fishing session.

Allow me to introduce you to the Ron Thompson Beach Shelter.
It is light-weight and easy to erect and will not only protect you from the rain but more importantly (I think) it will cut off the wind chill by acting as a solid wind break. Sometimes the temperature on the beach is quite warm but because of the wind chill factor but it feels freezing because of the wind! We have these shelters in stock and in the following colours Red, Blue and Black. The RRP is £59.99 Bells Of Hythe Price £46.99.