Sunday 5 December 2010

The Flounders Are Back!


We are finally seeing an influx of Flounders from local spots. Today I sold bait from the shop and actually had anglers returning for more as they were landing Flounders left right and centre!

This first picture is of two fish caught by one of our local anglers.

I saw him fishing as I was driving home and stopped to see if he had also been lucky, as you can see he had caught a couple.

This next picture is of George Padroma (AKA: Juan Time). Juan works in the shop with me and decided as his favourite carp lake had frozen he would see what the sea had to offer!

This fish is his first Flounder also caught today, Juan then topped his day off nicely with a 2lb Bass.

Well done lads that makes 22 fish that I know of caught from Hythe Marina and the Reclaimed Land today.